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Families Guest User Families Guest User

Plymell Family Photo Session in Fort Worth, TX

The Plymell family is super close to my heart because the dad, Eric, is my cousin! He and his wife Abby recently added baby Ari to their family, and they wanted some updated family photos to celebrate! They were thinking about having their family session at an outdoorsy spot. During our consultation communications, we settled on the perfect location: Airfield Falls in Fort Worth, TX!

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Seniors Guest User Seniors Guest User

Senior Guy Session at the Colleyville Nature Center

Our session began at Rutledge’s house so that we could take pictures of him with his grand piano. While his fingers danced across the keys in his favorite songs, he lit up like a firework with happiness. That’s when you can tell that you’ve found your passion! When we wrapped up at his house, we headed off to the Colleyville Nature Center. I love this place! It’s one of my favorite places to take seniors, so I’m glad that Rutledge went for it.

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