Hunter's "West Side Story" Senior Guy Session at Sundance Square

When I was asked by Hunter’s mom to create his senior portrait session, I had a feeling it would be an unforgettable journey. Hunter graduated alongside his Challenge IV classmates at Classical Conversations of Grapevine, and I knew this home schooled senior’s charisma was bound to shine in front of my lens. I was not wrong!

Hunter was no ordinary high school senior. His heart belonged to the performing arts, and he was a true maestro in singing, acting, dancing, and performing. With tales of his days in high school and his standout role as Riff in Artisan Theater's production of "West Side Story," he oozed theatrical charm. Naturally, we couldn't resist the temptation to recreate some of the show's iconic dance moves during his session.

Naturally, Sundance Square was the perfect backdrop for our West Side Story-inspired senior guy session. This vibrant square is in downtown Fort Worth, Texas, and it gave us everything we needed and more. Hunter looks like he stepped into a storybook!

Hunter's willingness to experiment with poses that might have initially seemed unconventional was truly refreshing. His theater background helped him stay cool as a cucumber in front of the lens, and I saw so many emotions cross his face! From the mysterious and contemplative to exuberant and carefree, Hunter seriously delivered!

Sundance Square is chock-full of eclectic modern and historic architecture, and Hunter was amazing at using everything around us! While Sundance Square wasn't necessarily bustling with crowds during our shoot, we did have to play the waiting game every now and then while people and cars passed by.

We definitely captured some amazing shots! Photographing in a downtown setting is an art in itself, with an ever-changing play of light and shadow. We had to be agile, adapting to the ever-shifting shadows to ensure we seized that perfect lighting.

That wasn’t our only challenge! The unpredictable springtime winds in North Texas and Hunter's demanding schedule at Artisan Theater meant we had to reschedule multiple times. However, our perseverance paid off when we finally found a window that suited us both. I’m SO GLAD that we made it work!

As Hunter takes his next steps at Covenant College in Georgia, I'm delighted to have been part of immortalizing his high school senior memories. Knowing that he not only cherished his senior pictures but also had a blast during our session was the absolute best thing to hear!

Hunter, I loved every single second of your West Side Story Senior Guy Session. You’re a shining star, and I know that you’ll succeed in all of your endeavors moving forward. Congratulations on your huge achievement!

And most of all, thanks so much for choosing me as your senior photographer! I know that picking a photographer to help you preserve your high school memories isn’t an easy decision. Thanks for giving me the privilege! It was an honor to help you document this chapter of your life.


Alexis' Senior Girl Session at the Grapevine Botanical Gardens


Skye's Personalized Senior Session at Airfield Falls in Fort Worth, TX Part 3