Skye's Personalized Senior Session at Airfield Falls in Fort Worth, TX Part 3

I could go on and on about my high school senior girl session with Skye at Airfield Falls. She’s such a beautiful individual, and it was amazing to turn her senior photo dreams into a reality! We included so much variety into her personalized session, that it has taken a series of three blog posts to cover everything as it should be covered! Part 3 of Skye’s senior girl series is the perfect wrap up to her perfect senior portrait session!

Throughout our time together, I continued to be thrilled that Skye picked out Airfield Falls for her session location. I couldn’t have asked for a more magical place to take her than Airfield Falls in Fort Worth, Texas. Not only did we have access to the gorgeous waterfall after a short walk, but there are plenty of pretty backdrops and trails scattered along the way.

Seriously, everywhere we turned, there were beautiful spots to use. Skye loved every second of it. From the golden fields to the enchanting forests, she glowed all the entire time.

Being a theater and classical literature enthusiast, Skye was thrilled when she was casts as Anne Shirley in the Cottage Theater’s productions of Anne of Green Gables. She wanted to capture images of her as young Anne and older Anne, so she brought along both costumes. We found the perfect tree and field to use as the backdrop for the scene. It was truly charming!

One of my goals for this session was to capture her vibrant and charismatic personality through different poses, prompts, and expressions. Skye was a master at adapting to everything I threw at her. It was so much fun to watch her work! I truly felt like we were right in the middle of Prince Edward Island of Avonlea!

One final wardrobe change led us to the end of our time together, and we had to work extra quickly because the sun was about to fade away for the night. We maxed out the sunlight for sure, but the results were incredible!

This multi talented lady played some fun tunes with her beloved ukulele as I snapped away. I’m not sure there isn’t anything Skye can’t do…or at least try her hardest to master. She’s inspiring in so many ways!

With the tiniest bit a natural light left in the evening sky plus some extra flash from my speed light, we took several photos to announce her next steps after graduation. Skye has been accepted to AMDA - The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC. Her career in the performing arts is only beginning and I can’t wait to see where she goes next in life! I’m already saving up to buy my tickets!!

Hands down, this was one of the most memorable senior sessions throughout my photography journey. Skye, you’ve got a bright future ahead of you! Thanks so much for choosing me as your photographer.

If you missed reading Part 1 or Part 2 of Skye’s senior girl session, click back to see them. You’ll be glad you did! It might give you ideas for your own senior session. I’d love to hear what you thought about all her props and costumes. Is that right up your alley, too? Contact me HERE for more info on how we can personalize your very own senior session!


Hunter's "West Side Story" Senior Guy Session at Sundance Square


Skye's Personalized Senior Session at Airfield Falls in Fort Worth, TX Part 2