DeAndra Jarboe Photography

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Family Session at Bear Creek Park

It was all smiles on this gorgeous fall afternoon. Several years had passed since the last time this busy family had taken the time to schedule a portrait session.  We could not have asked for better weather or a more perfect location than Bear Creek Park. Of course, we did have to strategically avoid some spooky decorations adorning the park in preparation for Halloween. Each session comes with its own creative challenges, and I was up for this new one.

Unless you’re a professional model, it usually takes at least ten minutes to warm up, relax, and feel comfortable having a camera lens pointed in your direction, especially when strangers are strolling by with their dogs or kids.  However, it didn’t take but a few minutes for these guys to produce exactly what I was hoping to capture. I told them that they could easily pass for models because they were doing such a great job!

I was all smiles because their wardrobe was perfect for the location. The boys were all smiles because I promised I would be quick and that I would tell them exactly what to do. I reassured them that they couldn’t mess anything up. Mom was all smiles because everyone had a great, positive attitude. I’m not exactly sure why Dad was all smiles, but I suspect it was because he was proud of his wife and sons and was feeling quite grateful. At the end of the session, I praised them for how enjoyable and agreeable they were and told Mom that they had earned whatever it was that she had bribed them with!  In all seriousness though, these respectful boys adore their Mom and want to honor her. I’m sure a bribe wasn’t even necessary.

 I’m excited to share a few of my favorites from their session. Thanks for stopping by!

When your son’s favorite pastime is collecting sticks, a photograph or two is a must!